tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Apr 14 13:42:43 2008

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Re: Klingon WOTD: ngIl (verb)

Steven Boozer ([email protected])

> >> Used in canon:
> >>
> >>    qagh, ro'qegh'Iwchab, targh tIq Sop 'e' lungIl Humanpu' puS
> >>    Few humans dare to eat gagh, rokeg blood pie, or heart of targ. S21

lay'tel SIvten:
 >I'd forgotten this example.
 >I assumed that {ngIl} meant 'dare' in the sense of 'challenge':
 >   I dare you to eat gagh, rokeg blood pie, or heart of targ!

> > Since S21 is our only example of {ngIl}, I don't know.  I'm also stumbling
> > over the "I dare/challenge you to X".  Have we ever seen the "prefix 
> trick"
> > used with {'e'}?  I can't think of an example off the top of my head.

>On the other hand, why would you use a double object in the example above?
>Just say {X 'e' vIngIl}.
>{juDev 'ej Dujvam ra'wI' DagheS 'e' vItlhob}
>I ask you to lead us as commander of this ship
>(lit.: I request that you lead us and that you assume the duties of commander
>of this ship) (KGT p184)

There's the answer.  For some reason I was hung up on "I dare you" with a 
SAO.  Assuming you can use {ngIl} like this, it would be:

   I dare you to eat gagh, rokeg blood pie, or heart of targ!
   qagh, ro'qegh'Iwchab, targh tIq DaSop 'e' vIngIl.

or even:

   qagh, ro'qegh'Iwchab, targh tIq DaSop 'e' DangIl 'e' vIqaD.
   I challenge you to dare to eat gagh, rokeg blood pie, or heart of targ!

>I looked for a synonym for {ngIl}, and found only {qaD} -
>qaD                                        challenge (n)
>qaD                                        challenge (v)
>{qaD}   <resist>, <oppose>, <confront>, <face> (v)
>{qaD}   <test> of one's abilities (n)
>Only the last one is close to the meaning of "dare".

I'm not really sure of the difference between {qaqaD} "I challenge you" and 
{qangIl} "I dare you" other than the latter may bring {quv} "personal 
honor, "face"} into play.

>But I see no canon examples of it.

The idiom {ngup qaD} "challenge the cape" (cf. KGT 157) and the TKW example:

   nIteb Qob qaD jup 'e' chaw'be' SuvwI'
   A warrior does not let a friend face danger alone. TKW

are the only known examples of the verb {qaD}.

>{qaD} also occurs in the related words {mu'qaD} and {nalqaD} and the
>apparently unrelated words {pIqaD} and {qo'qaD}.

Now there's {qaDrav} "challenge floor" in the De Candido novels on which 
Okrand consulted:

   Literally "challenge floor," it is a raised, fenced platform in
   the plaza outside Klingon Defense Force Headquarters where challenges
   between warriors were once regularly held."
   ["Klingon Empire: A Burning House" ([c2008]]

Ca'Non Master of the Klingons

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