tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Mar 28 04:28:03 2006

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Re: <Bloodwine> tlhIngan

Shane MiQogh ([email protected])

Such an argument really confuses me. It's part of the Klingons' "new look"... To say their blood is red, is to say that they have flat forheads. (I just think they don't like the irony of a warrior having that much pink in them. Klingons don't look as nasty when you think of them as guys with pink under their skin. Kinda gives them more of a pansy appearance and not so scary.) And then in that case, the blood would be something other than red, cause even vulcans/romulans are different color. Everyone has a differen't color, and despite the fact that Klingons and Humans are almost in same physically, they should still have different blood from planet environment...
  Anyway... i went a little (little my ass) off topic there... Doq is a cute word to me cause it seems to mean "warm color" in effect. While Sud is cool colors. I think in such an event that the argument would be in Klingon, they would be discriptive.
QeS 'utlh <[email protected]> wrote:
  ghItlhpu' lay'tel SIvten, ja':
>What color is Klingon blood in Klingon?

There's still some argument among the die-hard fans as to whether Klingon 
blood is red like human blood, as it was shown in TOS, or puce/pink, as 
shown in ST:VI. However, if you speak Klingon the argument is completely 
obviated, because either one would be {Doq}. {{:)

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