tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Mar 22 10:37:24 2006

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Re: On a more humerous note (some may not think of this as funny),

Christoph Pichlmann ([email protected]) [KLI Member]

>Shane MiQogh:
>i ment to say i want it to be more normal.
Hell, no.

As others have pointed out, Klingon is not supposed to be "normal", like 
other languages.

If people are not willing to learn the language because they think it's 
weird - who cares? They would not be of much use anyway, if they have to be 
coerced into learning it.

Making anything more "normal"(i.e. stupid) to attract people will almost 
ALWAYS result in chaos and failure.

Example: Just because some dimwits thought that HTML is too limited, 
companies started creating their own tags.
The end result? Nowadays modern browsers who dare to honor the HTML standard 
are deemed "inferior" or outright WRONG, because the beloved piece of 
outdated junk other use is displaying the site "correct" by ignoring and 
contradicting the standard.

If Klingon is to be taken serious, it has to be serious. If you want (IMO, 
cheap) "fun", concentrate on the puns, or the in-game story of Klingon.

The language itself needs not to be "fun" or anything, because it's a set of 
rules, which are to be adhered or it soon gets useless.

There have been people(and still are, I guess) who suggest we make up our 
own words, because Klingon isn't real anyway. This is just as dangerous.

It would be better if no one started learning Klingon, than if it ended up 
like HTML - everyone doing/using it, and most don't even know WHAT they're 
doing, ruining it for everyone else.

We have that with Paramount already - they don't know the language, but 
think they can use it to be "fun". Resulting in usually horrible 
pronunciation and word-mingling.


Holmey bIHnISbe' tlhaQ.
lutmey bIHHlaHqu' tlhaQ.

tlhaQtaH, ngoQ 'oHbe' Hol.
tlhaQwI'vaD, Hol 'oHlaH ngoQvaD Sup

Intended meaning:
Languages do not need to be funny.
Stories may be funny.

The purpose of a language is not to be funny.
A language can be the means to something funny.

Notes: There's definitely much wrong in these sentences. I don't know how 
better to create the meaning I intend.

tlhIngan vIghoj yapbe', 'oHbej.

IM: I don't learn enough klingon, obviously.

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