tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Mar 21 18:40:27 2006

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Re: On a more humerous note (some may not think of this as funny)

QeS 'utlh ([email protected])

ghItlhpu' Shane MiQogh, ja':
>I will say though, that the objective of klingon should be for us to make 
>it more like other languages (with acronyms and such)

Why? That's a very Western-centric way of thinking. Only a tiny minority of 
languages have acronyms: namely, those languages which are written. The vast 
majority of languages on this planet aren't written on a regular basis. 
Similarly, Klingon is only written in a makeshift Roman transcription 
system; the only reason it's primarily a written language right now is that 
we have few opportunities to speak it. What we're really doing is learning 
the *spoken* language from written texts.

>so we don't convey (sp?)  such a serious apperence to the language...

The majority of people in the street already do not take the Klingon 
language seriously. One could argue that it's only through our being so 
serious about the language that Klingon has managed to grow as far as it 
has. We treat Klingon like we would any other language. If we weren't so 
serious about it, those who *were* interested in learning it as a language 
would be quickly turned off it. The only way to garner respect for the 
language is to treat it seriously. Any other approach will devalue Klingon 
in the eyes of those who don't speak it.

QeS 'utlh
tlhIngan Hol yejHaD pabpo' / Grammarian of the Klingon Language Institute

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