tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Mar 20 13:11:36 2006

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Undocumented (i think) suffixes (Type 0 suffix)

Shane MiQogh ([email protected])

When making the chatspeak thing i noticed something. I noticed that a few related words in english were related in klingon, but moreso in klingon than english, thus showing a possible relation to each other.
  be' - Female
  be'nal - wife
  be'nI' - Sister
  Now just looking those up, i went through the analyzer on mu' HaqwI' and noticed that when i tested the following, it never acknowledged the loD part as a seperate entity and the suffix as a sperated entity... Despite little importance of identifying it, i figured it might give clues to some future words if we can find more suffixes like this on other words that are not documented.
  loD - Male
  loDnal - husband
  loDnI' - brother
  The so far identified type 0 suffixes:
  -nal (married)
  -nI' (co-sibling)
  technically, one would call your clone a vavnI' or a SoSvI'.
  this also creates a whole new line of humanlike insults...
  vavnallI' chay'? (How is your parter (who happens to be yourself) doing?)
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