tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Mar 19 13:53:06 2006

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Re: Colors...

Shane MiQogh ([email protected])

Ugh.... I thin i'll cheat and just say *RED* instead... for now... lol
QeS 'utlh <[email protected]> wrote:  ghItlhpu' Shane MiQogh:

>Doq = Be red or orange
>SuD = be green blue yellow
>Ok... Make sence... except how do we say something's yellow not blue? How
>would we describe colors in klingon...? o.O Of all the things you can say 
>Klingon, you can't say "color this red not orange"...

Yes, you can. {{:) I'll show you how in a minute.

>o.o So how would we go about describing such things...?

The same way as you have to in English when you say "Colour this light blue, 
not dark blue". Since we don't have actual words for the colours involved, 
you have to be a bit more descriptive.

As I'm sure you probably know, languages don't split up their basic colour 
terms in the same way. For instance, English has separate terms for blue and 
green, where Ubykh doesn't normally distinguish the two; conversely, 
Hungarian and Russian apparently both have separate basic terms for light 
and dark blue, which English can't distinguish without adding qualifiers or 
using more obscure words like "cyan" or "navy".

As in English, so in Klingon. We do know a few tricks to extend how we talk 
about colours, most of which are described in KGT:

- You can add the intensifying suffix {-qu'} to the verb in question: 
{Doqqu'} refers to a colour that is more red than orange, and {SuDqu'} to a 
colour more green than yellow or blue;
- You can further describe the colour with the verbs {wov} "be bright, be 
light" or {wovbe'} "be not bright, be not light": {SuD 'ej wov} is a shade 
that's more yellow than green or blue, and {Doq 'ej wovbe'} is generally how 
you describe the colour brown;
- You can say that the colour resembles ({rur}) the colour of some object or 
other: in KGT we have the example {Doq 'ej beqpuj rur} "it is {Doq} and 
resembles bekpuj" (bekpuj is a type of mineral that is bright orange).

I'm sure you get the idea.

So in answer to your question, to say "Colour this red, not orange", I would 
probably say {yIDoqmoHQo' 'ach yIDoqqu'moH} "Do not make it {Doq}, but make 
it {Doqqu'}". Another, more wordy way might be {DanguvmoHtaHvIS beqpuj 
yIrurmoHQo', 'ach tera'ngan 'Iw yIrurmoH} "When you colour it, don't make it 
resemble bekpuj, but make it resemble a Terran's blood".

QeS 'utlh
tlhIngan Hol yejHaD pabpo' / Grammarian of the Klingon Language Institute

not nItoj Hemey ngo' juppu' ngo' je
(Old roads and old friends will never deceive you)
- Ubykh Hol vIttlhegh


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