tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Mar 01 18:14:39 2006

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Re: Hol lutlh (was Re: Klingon word for "Bookmarklet"/"Favelet"?)

Shane MiQogh ([email protected])

Ok, look at the culture. No one knows why the klingons even got a space program considering all they really *SEEM* to care about is honor and such. Rumor has it they probably got it to kick some Hur'q ass. Naturally (of course) the language was pretty based on the culture (or so i hear). The Klingons' space ships are the only thing that would really consider them "advanced". A race of showoffs dosn't exactly stick out to be very advanced.
Alan Anderson <[email protected]> wrote:  On Feb 27, 2006, at 11:16 PM, Shane MiQogh wrote:

> ...We must remember that klingon is more of a primative language 
> (as spoken) compared to other languages in the world. (If you don't 
> beleive me: give me an example of future tense and past tence then 
> the whole -wI' thing for verbs to noun? yea...)

1) Lacking something such as grammatical tense does not make a 
language primitive. English lacks a boatload of features present in 
other languages in the world (including a few found in Klingon).

2) Future tense example: {wa'leS jIghung}
Past tense example: {wa'Hu' jI'oj}

3) If you think {-wI'} makes Klingon more "primitive" than English, 
what does that say about "-er"?

Klingon is a very simple and straightforward language. But 
primitive? I don't think so.

-- ghunchu'wI'

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