tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Mar 01 14:14:47 2006

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Re: antimatter {rugh}

Shane MiQogh ([email protected])

The Da Vinci Code is also silly... And i saw some one with that book recently. I think he rights that stuff so crazy so people buy it. The bible's not gonna use code to contradict itself in saying that Jesus married a whore... The bible just dosn't work that way. lol Anyway, back on topic... I'm sure (as i said in the other reply) that the governments of these countries that have them, would just adore their results. Hm... I pitty the scientists, it's Einstein's nightmare all over again when he came up with Nuclear energy.
Steven Boozer <[email protected]> wrote:  Shane MiQogh:
> >Well, they do have REAL matter anti matter plants in the US, i
> >don't know about the other countries.

>The plants are for the scientific study of antimatter, not for its
>harnessing as power.
>Switzerland has CERN, if I recall rightly.

Indeed. FYI: Both appear in the non-Trek novel "Angels & Demons" by Dan 
Brown, who also wrote "The Da Vinci Code". IIRC a stable particle of 
antimatter was created at CERN in Geneva which was then stolen by the 
Illuminati and used in a time bomb hidden in Vatican City during a papal 
conclave. (Silly, of course, but great fun to read!)

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