tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Jan 30 05:25:08 2006

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Aw: Re: Klingon phonotactics (was Re: Klingon at the Thanksgiving table - A month la

ruehli ([email protected]) [KLI Member]

not that it matters much for the point under discussion, but IMO
the following two analyses by QeS 'utlh are somewhat simplified

----- Original Nachricht ----
Von:     QeS 'utlh <[email protected]>
> there are two possibilities.
> The "Clusterian" analysis:
> 1) Generic syllable structure in Klingon is C1V(C2).
> 2) If C2 is {w} or {y}, it may be followed by {'}.
in 2) you left out the case that if C2 is {r} it may be followed by {gh}
but more importantly you left out that we are explicitly told (IIRC) that
the vowels {o} and {u} are never followed by {w} (and thus {w'})

> The "Diphthongian" school:
> 1) Generic syllable structure in Klingon is C1V(C2).
> 2) If V is a diphthong, it can only be followed by {'} or zero.
here the case of {o}/{u} not being followed by {w} is covered by
the list of "diphthongs" not including *{ow} or *{uw}

if it weren't for the case of "monophthongs" may be followed by {rgh},
the second analysis would seem simpler to me

as it is, I think neither is simpler in terms of rules, but the first is
simpler in terms of "elements", i.e. you only need to define consonants
and vowels, no need to devide vowels into monophthongs and

Marc Ruehlaender
aka HomDoq
[email protected]

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