tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Jan 23 14:14:29 2006

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It has come to my attention... (admins too, please)

Shane MiQogh ([email protected])

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I has come to my attention, that after 1 day, i have gotten 20 to 25 emails, from the email group. This is slightly alarming... I don't know if you guys are used to this or not, but doing so is quite... Let's say hurtful, you could easily skip over an important email, and i'm sure not all of us have time to go through all the emails. Before i try to get ahold of the admins privately through email or such, i'd like to get a vote and see what you guys think, now i'd like to keep the vote organized, so i'll explain that in more detail later on in this email. I've noticed this email system can lead to slight disorganization along with all this, and blogs or boards would make at least 1/4 of all the emails organized in it's own page or set of pages which are preorganized. Also, it'll save us all a load of email space, (not that it's a problem for me) and we all are pretty much looking at the emails the same way.  That means, for hosts that allow unicode, everything's in unicode, while
 email it isn't that way. Some people can see accented letters, others can't. It'd also be more inviting to guests, while you can leave certain areas only accessable via members and some to guests. You can "sticky" certain topics that you feel are important to be remembered. The admins can have a rather more stable ban method, rather than just kicking an email off the list that they don't like, they could possibly ban IPs, while the downside of this is that the admins can see your ip, but that's you can get just from viewing a site, also you can avoid the IP ban methods, but it would help stablize things a little more if some one wants to act up and they won't take an account deletion and "no" for an answer. Admins can also "delete" messages that they feel shouldn't be there, that includes replies, yes, it won't stop those who've already seen it, from knowing it, but it would keep those who havn't seen the message yet from seeing it. If an argument starts out certain boards have a
 "close" feature, which basically makes a certain topic un replyable to. Many of them have a "rank system" which would allow it easier to distinguish new members from old members (via post count which has it's obvious downsides, but that has been worked out pretty well) so the new people become more obvious and people pay more attention to them. Many boards have a "modify" thing so if you make a mistake, you can go back and fix it. Some allow you to use images, but, i'm sure the admins might want to edit some of that ability, along with the ability to send links, which some hosts do provide a method to do... I'm sure the admins won't want anything that i have admin rights to so my boards are probably off limits, but i could provide a way for them to set up their own.
  Why vote? Well, every vote *may* count. I don't know if this will change any opinions of any admins, or not. But if the admins would like to know the results, i plan on disclosing the information to them.
  If you agree, send an email stating why you want boards over the current system to [email protected] and if you disagree, send an email stating why to [email protected]. I strongly suggest that you include your feelings, cause i don't know how the admins would take a just plain "count", so i'm sure they would like resons why you feel that way, cause most admins tend to prefer to at least see what their users want. I'm sure some of you will choose to keep it this way, and don't be ashamed, i will not disclose the results to anyone other than the admins, accept for maybe a count, but no names or emails will be released to anyone, accept the admins.
  Sorry for the lenght, but i thought it would be nice to bring this up incase it hasn't been brought up before. if the admins like the idea, i would gladly train them how to use the boards also, if they have never used the system.

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