tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Dec 20 13:52:43 2006

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Re: tlhach mu'mey: HolQeD...

Steven Boozer ([email protected])

>We need to create a list of linguistics jargon on the wiki.  We can
>discuss it here...
>I was able to find these in the dictionary...
>   word -> mu'
>   sentence -> mu'tlhegh
>   vocabulary -> mu'tay'
>   noun -> DIp
>   verb -> wot
>   chuvmey -> pronouns, adverbs, etc.
>   prefix -> moHaq
>   suffix -> mojaQ
>   grammar -> pab

Don't forget rover  -> {lengwI'}

>But how about:
>   subject -> ?
>   predicate -> ?
>   object -> ?

{DoS} "target" (n.) seems appropriate.  This brings up some wordplay:

   the Klingon phrase {wa' DoS wIqIp} ("We hit one target") or
   the shorter {DoS wIqIp} ("We hit a target") is frequently
   heard in conversations that have nothing to do with shooting,
   targets, or even weaponry. It is a way of saying "We agree."
   (KGT 105-06)

I've used *{Qay(be')bogh wot} for "(in)transitive verb". [cf. Rus. 
*perekhodnyi glagol*] though maybe *{qIp(be')bogh wot} may be better.

>   indirect object -> ?
>   adjective -> ?
>   letter -> ?

I've seen *{DeghHom} often used for "letter (of alphabet)" on this 
List.  {pIqaD} "the native Klingon writing system" is sometimes used for 
"alphabet, syllabary, etc.".

>I can come up with a few phrases on my own that might convey some of
>these, like perhaps /Delbogh wot'e'/ "verb which describes" for
>"adjective", but I don't want to come off authoritarian (maybe the
>concensus is that /Delbogh mu''e'/ is better,

Purpose-nouns may be better for these linguistic terms:  *{DelmeH wot} 
"quality, stative verb."

Other terms (some of my own invention) I've found in my notes are:

*{HolHom} is widely used on this List for "dialect", implying *{Hol'a'} 
"Ursprache, parent language" (e.g. Indo-European, Proto-Semitic).

*{vangmeH wot} "action verb"

*{vang'eghbogh mojaq} "reflexive suffix"

*{vangchuqbogh mojaq} "reciprocal suffix"

*{DIp lIw} "pronoun" - or just {lIw} "substitute, stand-in, temporary 
surrogate".  Glen Proechel used
*{DIpvaD tam}.

*{mu'tlhegh'a'} "paragraph" (from David Barron)

*{mu'tlheghghom} "corpus" (also *{chovnatlhghom})

*{mu'tlheghHom} "clause".  Qov once used *{mu'tlheghHom potlh} for "main 

*{yu'bogh mu'} "interrogative" (Glen Proechel)

Ca'Non Master of the Klingons

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