tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Feb 25 14:32:26 2004

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[tlhIngan-Hol] Re: Klingon WOTD: nISwI' (n)

Steven Boozer ([email protected]) [KLI Member]

>This is the Klingon Word Of The Day for Monday, February 23, 2004.
>Klingon word:   nISwI'
>Part of Speech: noun
>Definition:     disruptor

The derived noun from {nIS} "disrupt, interfere with".

>Additional Notes:
>KGT p. 56.  The general term for disruptor is {nISwI'}.

As used in canon:

   disruptors KCD

   nISwI' tIH bach
   shoot the disruptor beam KGT

   nISwI' bach
   shoot a disruptor KGT

   nISwI' HIch motlh HoS Hal qengwI' naQ tIq je lurarlu'bogh
    'oH tlhIngan nISwI' beH'e'
   The Klingon  disruptor rifle is a standard hand held disruptor,
    attached to an extended power supply stock. S14

   nISwI': cha' chang'engmey (telDaq lujomlu', nItebHa' lubaHlu')
   Disruptor - 2 Pairs (Wing Mounted, Fire Linked) KBoP

>Additional Notes:  KCD, KGT.
>KGT p. 56.  The general term for disruptor is {nISwI'}.

   Among these are the disruptors or, more properly, phase disruptors,
   directed-energy weapons similar in function and operation to the
   Federation's phasers. The general term for disruptor is {nISwI'}.
   A disruptor pistol or hand-held disruptor (and there are several
   models of these) is a {nISwI' HIch}; a disruptor rifle (likewise
   with several models) is a {nISwI' beH}. Larger and more powerful
   disruptors are mounted on the ship, laid out as {nISwI' DaH} or
   "disruptor banks". These terms are used only for these Klingon
   weapons. The more general term {pu'}, "phaser", may also apply to
   the Klingon disruptor, but it is used just as often to refer to the
   Romulan disruptor, Federation phaser, and other similar devices.
   Since the word is short, {pu'} is heard frequently--even more
   frequently than nISwI'--especially in the throes of combat ...
   (KGT 56)

   The word {vaQ} is not often used in describing the newer weapons
   (disruptors and the like), though such locutions are heard from
   time to time. (KGT 67)

For the Klingon classicists on the list, a {nISwI'} is of course called a 
*vird'dakaase* in John Ford's version of Klingon or *klingonaase*.

Ca'Non Master of the Klingons 

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