tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Feb 24 22:07:24 2004

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[tlhIngan-Hol] Re: Ordering from the KLI store

Lawrence Schoen ([email protected]) [KLI Member] [Hol ghojwI']

ghItlh HomDoq:

>wouldn't it be possible to have the web site send an *automatic* 
>email reply to let the person know that the order has been received
>(and won't be ignored or something)?

Currently, the website tells you that your order has been sent in 
once you complete the process. A separate mailing couldn't come from 
the website, because the website wouldn't have any further knowledge 
of whether the order has been received in my email unless I told it 
so, and then we're back to adding another step.

On the other hand, more and more people are finding it trivially 
easy to go online and check their credit card statements to see if 
the order has been charged to them yet. 

I've got no problem with people sending in queries after two weeks, 
but any time before that is probably pointless. I think we've lost 
maybe two orders in all these years, as a result of email snafu. 
Usually, if an order is slow in going out it's because it came in at 
the very start of the new cycle.

>and if the "next processing date" can be calculated (i.e. it is not
>decided on "enough" orders being "in", or something), maybe
>this could be supplied with the automated email?

Unfortunately, that's often the way it *is* decided. If a lot of 
orders are coming in, I'll process them sooner rather than later. 
If they're trickling in, it's just not a good use of my time to 
run a batch. Every two weeks is an average range.


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