tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Feb 23 23:14:44 2004

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[tlhIngan-Hol] KLBC

Shamammd ([email protected])

bIlughqu' 'e' vISov! Hogh Hoch cha'maH mu'mey'e'   neH vIHaD vIneH  ngugh 
(qhIq)  mu'tlheghmey   vIchenmoH vIneH.   tetlhvamDaq  jaj Hoch mu'mey chu' 
vIleghmo', Hevam'e'  muqay' .  mumoghmoHtaHqu'! jIqIm 'e' vImevlaHbe'. 
muQaHchoHlaHlI'  'e'  qechmey latlh Daghaj'a'? rut tetlhvamDaq vIjangnIS 'ach chay' 
Dochvam vIta'choHlaHlI', mu'tlheghmey mach neH vIlo'chugh. tetlhvamDaq  wIjangmeH 
tlhIngan Hol wIlo' 'e'  wInID neH
I know you are right. I only wanted to learn 20 words every week, then I 
wanted to make the sentences. Because I see new words every day in this list, this 
way (route)  becomes a problem for me. It is causing me to become confused. I 
can't stop paying attention. Do you have other ideas that can help me? 
Sometimes I reply to this list, but how can I accomplish this, if I only use small 
sentences? They want us to try to use the klingon language in order that we 
reply in this list.

I wrote this in response to a post that was made  to help me. 

 ( I used the words "in order that" because there is no word that I know of 
to convey "when" as in "when we reply in  this list")

I found some more mistakes and I tried to fix them. Can you point out any 
other  mistakes and explain them to me, (using different  examples), please?

 I don't understand when to use {ngugh} and when to use {ghIq}. In mu'HaqwI' 
it says that the word {ngugh} means: then, at that time.  {ghIq} was given to 
me on this list. Can you explain the difference to me. I appreciate everyone's 
help, but I think I am beginning to understand why we, as beginners, should 
come to you first. I would have tried to write this in tlhIngan Hol, but I am 
very tired as I have been studying for hours and it is now 2 in the morning and 
I need to sleep. :) also, the sentence:  Because I see new words every day in 
this list, this way (route)  becomes a problem for me. should it be written: 
tetlhvamDaq  jaj Hoch mu'mey chu' vIleghmo', jIHvaD qay'  Hevam'e' , or is it 
correct the way I had it? or are they both wrong? heheheeheheh  I still have 
more questions that I will post tomorrow.

Ok. I quit!
maj ram 'ej Sunajqu'! 
(for  everyone)

bIjatlhnISchugh, tlhIngan Hol yIjatlh!
If you must speak, speak Klingon!
HovpoH 701207.1
Stardate 4148.6

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