tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Feb 17 08:49:11 2004

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Re: what kind??

sangqar ([email protected]) [KLI Member]

> I was searching the archives for some info on how one would say "what kind" 
> in klingon and I came upon an interesting thread involving tea.  The 
> consensus seemed to be that you cannot say nuq Dargh, that this is improper 
> klingon, and that all you can do is ask in a different way.
>   I thought of another way of stating the question and I want to know if it 
> is valid grammar.  Could you say "Dargh'e' nuq DaneH?" -- as for the tea, 
> what do you want?  This is basically a compound sentence involving two 
> statements.  Or following the reasoning of 'ar, Dargh 'ar weghaj, would it 
> not follow that one could say Dargh nuq wighaj? -- what tea do we have.

{Dargh Segh nuq} "what kind of tea"
(Although by itself, this would mean "What is a kind of tea?", you could use it in a phrase that 
has another verb, and it should be okay. {Dargh Segh nuq wIghaj?})


Dargh Segh DaneHbogh yIngu'! "What kind of tea do you want?"
Dargh Segh wIghajbogh yIngu'! "What kind(s) of tea do we have?"


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