tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Feb 16 16:46:40 2004

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RE: Help with translation

david fourman ([email protected])

The word company by its nature is an abstract thing and therefore can not be 
literally expressed. What is a company? Is it a building? Is it a group of 
people? Is it a piece of paper? It's all of these things and more; it's a 
concept. So I'm not sure if you'll be able to create a word for company from 
other existing words in such a way that it could only mean "company". In 
real languages we find words for these ideas by using other words that don't 
necessarily mean that thing. Company can also mean companionship, but simple 
context makes its meaning clear.
   So if you wanted you could say malja'. It's true that malja' might only 
mean business in a broad sense, but there's no reason why it can't mean 
company as well.  Unfortunately since Klingon is a constructed language, you 
would need to get an official acceptence from who ever makes the final 
decision on what means what. My only suggestion is to send an email to Mark 
Okrand. Maybe he'll have your answer.

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