tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Feb 12 07:20:44 2004

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Re: DCKL translation question: argueing arguments

Lieven L. Litaer (Quvar) ([email protected]) [KLI Member] [Hol ghojwI']

Am 11.02.2004 22:54:18, schrieb Steven Boozer <[email protected]>:

>{ghoH}  "argue, dispute"
>What's the difference?  

"Klingonists argue at the qep'a'"
German: "erörtern, diskutieren, argumentieren"

"I'm argueing with my parents all the time"
German: "streiten"
[but that's quarrel: Sol]

>(And if there is one for humans, would Klingons 
>feel the same way?  I imagine a Klingon disputation would be considerably 
>more aggressive that what humans are used to! <g>)

Agreed. But it's Humans - especially Germans - who will look up the word and use it.

>This is the only example of {ghoH} in canon.  

I think I got the difference
1. "negative"
   Sol v. streiten
2. "neutral"
   {ghoH}  "argue, dispute"
The addition "dispute" makes clear that "argue" is not meant in the sense of discussion, right?
---> "argumentieren, diskutieren"
ja'chuq v. discuss

Thanks for the hints. 
I'll send my next questions ;-)


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