tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Apr 30 13:58:56 2004

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Re: Star Trek V & VI DVD extras

Steven Boozer ([email protected]) [KLI Member]


>There are interviews with the actors who played Klingons on both
>discs.  The one on Star Trek V is called "That Klingon Couple"
>with the subtitle <tlhIngan chang'engvetlh>.  While their lines

Klaa and Vixis, I presume?

FYI {chang'eng} "pair" (n.):

   nISwI': cha' chang'engmey (telDaq lujomlu', nItebHa' lubaHlu')
   Disruptor - 2 Pairs (Wing Mounted, Fire Linked) KBoP

>in Star Trek V had a few problems that may annoy some Klingonists,
>the actors themselves had an excellent attitude towards learning
>the Klingon and took it very quite seriously.  I was very
>impressed with that aspect of things.

Lawrence Schoen wrote in HolQeD 8.4:  "Inside the commercially available 
script for 'Star Trek V: The Final Frontier' you won't find much Klingon. 
The lines designated to be spoken in Klingon appear, parenthetically, in 
English. During the making of the film Marc Okrand created notes and tapes 
for the Klingon actors to work from in preparing their lines."  Lawrence 
also got Okrand's permission to publish some Klingon lines from scenes in 
an earlier draft of the script missing from the final cut; some of the 
English made it into the ST5 novelization.

>The most interesting thing for Klingonists is probably the
>deleted scene from Star Trek V in which some Klingon was spoken
>by General Koord to Caithlin Dar at Paradise City when they
>first meet.  If I recall correctly the scene has already been
>described in a past issue of HolQeD, but this is the first time
>that I've seen the deleted scene for myself.

Cf. HQ 8.4.  I've added them below.

>Koord (the Klingon consul) says two things to Dar (the newly
>arrived Romulan), in Klingon.  When she enters the room, he
>says to St. John Talbot (the human) "Romulan women belong on
>their backs".  This is subtitled.  The actor's pronunciation
>isn't very good...  I can only make out the words <romuluSngan
>be'pu'> at the end.  The human does not translate for her, and

Koord:  DungDaq legh 'ej QotnIStaH romuluSngan be'pu'!
         Romulan women belong on their backs!

>after they talk for a bit, she says something about "opening
>negotiations", at which point the Klingon apparently says
>"The only thing she should open is her blouse.  I hear
>Romulan women are different."  This is not subtitled, but a
>translation is provided by St. John Talbot (and Koord is
>making rude gestures as he's saying this, so it's clear what
>the gist of his statement is even if it hadn't been translated).

Koord: yIvbeHlIj neH DapoSmoH vIneH.
        The only thing I want you to open is your blouse.

        pImlaw' romuluSngan be' porgh.
        I've heard Romulan women are different.

>Of course, she gets mad and walks up to Koord, and says that
>while she doesn't know Klingon, she knows this much, and spits
><Qu'vatlh> at him.  He responds with what are presumably
>Klingon swear words, followed by (in English) "and screw you

Line not provided in HQ 8.4, jay'!  Dev'ID, could you listen again and try 
to transcribe what he says exactly?

Ca'Non Master of the Klingons 

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