tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Apr 25 18:00:39 2004

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Re: Star Trek: Customizable Card Game (-lu' + -laH + noun-noun)

QeS lagh ([email protected])

ghItlhpu' Paul:

>Or maybe instead of using the noun-noun construction, use a /-bogh/
>construction, to say something like "the sword which was wielded by
>Kahless whom one cannot forget."

{'etlh'e' yanbogh qeylIS qawlu'taHbogh}?

This looks odd; it reminds me of the nested relative clauses SuStel was 
talking about when the list was discussing relatives at the start of the 
month. Does anyone else find this construct a little strange? Don't get me 
wrong, I like the way it falls. It has a simplicity that's hard to go past. 
I just don't know that it's possible, since nested relatives aren't found in 
any other canon.

Probably easier would be to recast to something like

{'etlh yanbogh qeylIS, ta''a' qawlu'taHbogh}
"the sword which was wielded by Kahless, the great emperor who continues to 
be remembered"

This does bring up some problems about what the head of the relative clause 
is, but adding {-'e'} seems to me to make the sentence talk about "Kahless' 
sword, the unforgettable emperor". Maybe this would disambiguate itself, I 
don't know.


QeS lagh

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