tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Apr 23 18:15:09 2004

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Re: Probability

QeS lagh ([email protected])

ghItlhpu' SuStel:

>Oh, gimme a break!  I'm all for learning, probing, and questioning, but the
>intent of this thread has been to try to find a single formulaic way to
>express probabilities.  That's not a particularly useful or helpful thing 
>do.  Learn to express your concepts, not translate the way English does
>something.  Different concepts may require different constructions.

I'll stick up for myself here. I have been trying to find a way of saying 
*only* "the chance of snowing". Sure, {X-meH DuH} does look pretty general 
in retrospect, but {peDmeH DuH} was something I thought would work *in that 
situation*. I was attempting to express my concept, not find a generality. 
Particularly since general cases are so rare in Klingon anyway... :)

>I'm sorry I don't have THE way to express probability in Klingon.  What's
>wrong with a bunch of different ways, depending on the situation?  Why is
>this such a horrible alternative?

I'm going to stick up for SuStel here, because we appear to agree completely 
on this issue. I said the same thing when we were arguing over ways to say 
"about". There IS no  "The Way". There are often a multitude of different 
ways, sometimes in what one would imagine are the most basic, everyday 
situations. That's what learning a language is about; in that, Klingon's no 
different to French, Japanese, Navajo, or !Kung Bushman for that matter.

However, the recent suggestion {vaghmaH vatlhvI' DIch 'oH DuH'e'} seems to 
fill most of the blanks. {vaghmaH vatlhvI' DIch} appears to work similarly 
to {cha'maH vagh vatlhvI' Hong}. Playing devil's advocate, though, I'm not 
sure whether you can have fifty percent of a certainty; it strikes me as 
somewhat weird, like saying "half a hole" or "a little bit pregnant" in 


QeS lagh

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