tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Apr 23 11:00:29 2004

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Re: Probability

...Paul ([email protected]) [KLI Member]

On Thu, 22 Apr 2004, De'vID jonwI' wrote:
> I don't really get that sense either, but between the following
> two choices:
> <DuH> "possibility, option";
> <'eb> "opportunity, chance, opening",
> I tend to prefer <'eb>.  If there were four equiprobable outcomes

I haven't been really following, but has anyone suggested using /DIch/
"certainty" in combination with "percent"?

It would only seem to work if it's legal to have a noun-number-noun
construction, though:

* DIch vaghmaH vatlhvI'
"Fifty percent of certainty."

I think this, if it's workable is actually a more accurate translation of
the English "50% chance" -- because the English phrase subsumes a concept
of "a percentage of certainty" (ie. 100% chance is "a certainty").  Using
percent with things like /'eb/ or /DuH/ seems slightly redundant to me,
though I couldn't tell you why.


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