tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Apr 23 00:50:02 2004

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Re: Probability

QeS lagh ([email protected])

ghItlhpu' SuStel:

>/peDmeH DuH/ has the same problem: the possibility doesn't have the purpose
>of snowing.  /peDchoHghach DuH/ works, though it strikes me as a word made
>up to satisfy grammar requirements, rather than because it's what you

It comes across that way to me, too. That's why I was reticent to use it in 
the first place.

>I've already given my answer.  We don't have a known grammatical way to say
>it, but the shorthandish /ghaytan peD: SochmaH vagh vatlhvI'/ works for me.

luq. jIHvaD Qaplaw' je.

>File this one along with Klingon subjunctive . . . .

qayajchu'mo' jIHaghnIS. :D

QeS lagh

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