tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Apr 22 02:08:19 2004

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Re: Probability

QeS lagh ([email protected])

ghItlhpu' De'vID:

>the phrase <SISmeH DuH> "possibility [for the purpose of/in order
>to] rain" strikes me as odd.  I just don't see "rain" as the
>purpose or goal of "possibility".

Odd; I thought this was one of the most interesting suggestions we've had. 
It beats hell out of {SISchoHghach DuH} in my opinion.

{'eb} *is* a good idea, as Voragh said. Personally, I agree with ter'eS in 
that {'eb} doesn't quite carry the notion of chance that the English does. 
But it's still a good idea, and I don't think I'd have much problem 
understanding either one. (I'd still rather use {DuH} myself, though.) But 
the same question arises: How do we actually *quantify* the {'eb} of rain? 
To clarify my position, I'll quote from another message:

ghItlhpu' Voragh:
>   cha'maHvagh vatlhvI' Hong;  QIt yIghoS!
>   Slow to one quarter impulse power. ST5
>   (lit. "Twenty-five percent impulse power; proceed slowly!")

jangpu' ter'eS:
>I didn't see Voragh's reply the first time, so I don't know everything
>he wrote, but I don't see the relevance of this example.

It shows we can make a quantification of something just by saying {NUMBER 
vatlhvI' EVENT}, and from there, I'd imagine that we could use 
garden-variety verbs: {vaghmaH Soch vatlhvI' SISmeH DuH / 'eb} (assuming 
that we all accept {SISmeH DuH / 'eb}) would be "57% chance of rain". Thence 
we can get

{wa'leS vaghmaH Soch vatlhvI' SISmeH DuH tu'lu'}
"tomorrow there will be [observed] a 57% chance of rain"

{<<DaHjaj wa' vatlhvI' neH peDmeH DuH tu'lu'>> vIjatlhlu', 'ej qaSchoH nuq? 
peDchu' jay'!}
"I was told that there was only a one percent chance of snow today, and 
what's happened? It's bloody snowing!"

It seems to work well from my point of view. wa' DoS wIqIp'a'?

QeS lagh

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