tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Apr 09 05:12:46 2004

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Re: joj usage...

De'vID jonwI' ([email protected])

>>>I guess the bigger question in my mind now is: Can a list of nouns
>>>linked by a conjunction still act as a the first noun in a noun-noun 

>>AFAIK, there are no known examples of the case you have in mind.  (Can
>>anyone else think of one?)

>Setting aside the issue about whether or not prefix-implied pronouns can
>serve as {-bogh} clause head nouns, the follow fragment from the Warriors' 
>yoHbogh matlhbogh je SuvwI'
>Seems to be implicitly using [noun noun {je} noun].

I see this as a [verb1-bogh verb2-bogh je noun], where
[noun] is the subject of both [verb1] and [verb2].

Q: SuvwI' yIDel!
A: yoH.  matlh je.
Q: vaj nuq ghaH?
A: yoHbogh matlhbogh je SuvwI'!


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