tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Apr 05 13:44:43 2004

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Re: wa'leS as noun

QeS lagh ([email protected])

ghItlhpu' SIvten:

>so far i haven't heard an answer to my question:
>can i say: latlh jaj 'oH wa'leS'e' = tomorrow is another day.

qajangta' jIH. jIghItlhpu':
I thought I had:

>I think you can; the KLI website uses {ben qep'a'} to say "past 
>{qep'a'mey}". Time stamp nouns may behave oddly, but they are true nouns, 
>with everything that implies.

Meaning that they can appear in subject and object positions, and in 
noun-noun constructs, like everyday nouns. I was using {ben qep'a'} as an 
illustration. Also good is SuStel's example {cha'vatlh ben HIq}. SuStel, 
<canon>vam chonobta'mo' qatlho'qu'.


>"ben" is treated differently from "leS" and "Hu'", in that the latter two 
>are usually written as part of a compound word, whereas "ben" is always 

Like Holtej, I see no problem with saying {cha'ben}. Remember, too, that 
just because words are treated differently in one aspect of their grammar 
doesn't mean that they are different in *every* way. For instance, we 
wouldn't say that {neH} doesn't behave like a verb just because it doesn't 
take {'e'} in Sentence As Object constructions.

And be careful about saying <always>! Okrand might hear you. :D

>does anyone have a problem with the sentence above?
>or with:  Hoch jaj rur wa'Hu'/DaHjaj = yesterday was/today is like every 

Holtej jIH je maQochbe': mu'tlheghvam DIlajlaH.


QeS lagh

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