tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Sep 07 17:00:09 2003

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Tokens of accomplishment

Mark E. Shoulson ([email protected]) [KLI Member] [Hol po'wI']

Many of you have probably noticed this, but for those who haven't I 
wanted to announce it officially.  If you look on the mailing-list 
archive pages (/tlhIngan-Hol/) for this month and last 
month, you'll find that there are new symbols placed by authors' names 
(in individual messages as well).  If you're on a text-only system, 
there are text tags instead.

Authors who are members of the KLI (near as my program can tell) will 
have a tiny KLI symbol by their names (larger in the individual message 
pages).  People who have passed one or more levels of the Klingon 
Certification Testing program will have the appropriate composite of 
pips by their names.

If you are being incorrectly ignored, as a KLI member or Certification 
holder, please let me know and tell me the email you'll be posting from, 
so I can add that as a special case.


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