tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Jul 31 10:31:56 2003

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lexicography paper on TKD


Hereby I ask list members to read a paper I have written 
for a lexicography course at my University. The topic: a 
lexicographical approach to a potential yet (still) 
hypothetical revision of the TKD ( 

The paper can be found on 

I'd be very pleased if I can get some feedback on my point 
of view from some people on this list.

Before people attack me :-) on certain things, I will give 
some pre-auto-feedback first to some things I say in the 
paper, which I would like you to read before you read the 
paper itself.

I'm always reasoning from a learners' perspective and a 
lexicographical perspective at the same time. Please be 
gentle... :-)

When I say "dictionary", I can mean two things. Most of 
the time, I will mean the dictionary-section of the 
present TKD and not the whole book with the name TKD. When 
I say what the dictionary should look like, I'm referring 
to the term dictionary in general, so not "wordlist in the 
TKD" but "revised TKD according to lexicographical 
standards", in this context. The context will usually make 
it quite clear.

Sometimes I ask, claim, or question things at a certain 
point and answer them or devalidate them myself later on. 
I do fully realise that the written form of the language 
as used by the KLI and as used in the TKD is merely 
phonetic, even though my section on compound nouns might 
give the impression that I don't realise that.

Some feedback by Will Martin, who also used to be on this 
list, can be found on the same site.

Qapla' with reading it. 


C. Krottje
Student of English Language and Culture
at the RuG, Groningen, The Netherlands.
Address: Flat 1/2
          10 Carrington Street
          Glasgow G4 97B
E-mail: [email protected]
         [email protected]

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