tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Jul 24 08:48:57 2003

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no matter what happens...

I'm working on a new version of the song {Duj tIvoqtaH}

The main them of the song is "no matter what happens, trust your instincts!"
Is there a way to say such a thing in Klingon? How would you do it?

The first part has four lines:

if tribbles could tickle you;
vulcans do laugh or not;
no matter if someone survived khitomer or not;
and even if the commander's nose is shiny:
Trust your instincts!!

the contents of this is not so important, we don't have to stick to the original text, it's just the idea 
that counts: "no matter what happens, trust your instincts!"

I translated it with every line starting with {chaq} "perhaps":

{chaq nIqotlh ...}
{chaq qIDlaHbe' ...}

Now one could say that it's bad to have every line starting with the same word, I agree. But the 
songwriter said it's good for the sound of the song!

Anyway, I'm interested to see your suggestions on how this idea can be translated in a better way.

(and if possible before 0200 EST, 'cause they wanna record tomorrow!)

Thanks for quick answers!

>nom bom chom<

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