tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Jul 21 16:30:59 2003

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Re: Klingon - Terminology Databases (IMHO)

>I think you hit the nail on the head or... mInlIjDaq targh DaqIp ;)

qayajchu'be', 'ach 'IHbej mu'tlheghvam!  ;-)

>TKD throws everything at you in one big ball and you have to make sense of 
>it. Textbooks on the other hand ease the reader into the language. Also, 
>some people have natural talents for learning languages, while others, 
>like myself, find it much harder.

I noticed this, why people are have trouble to learn klingon. TKD is not made to *learn* Klingon. It is either (a) to check a Klingon 
sentence for correctness and (b) to set up a sentence if you know a bit klingon or about languages (MO once said that he doesn't speak 
Klingon, but he knows how to use the book). It's a *description* of the grammar

Evidence for this lies in TKD's introduction:

  The grammatical sketch is intended to be an outline of
Klingon grammar, not a complete description. Nevertheless,
it should allow the reader to put Klingon words together in an
acceptable manner. 


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