tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sat Jul 19 09:00:30 2003

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Re: Is the language too bound for its own good? (w

As a beginner in thlIngan Hol, I want to say this, in
fact, I need to say this:  I want to speak this
language everywhere I go, in or out of costume, in
fictional and everyday contexts.  I love the way it
sounds, the boldness of it and the culture (fictional
or not) behind it.  I also want to teach it to my
friends and loved ones, and have them use it as a part
of their lives.  I have one thing holding me back: 
being afraid to step on anyone's toes at the KLI.  I
am not a professional teacher.  I have taken a couple
languages, so I am conscious of the fact that
languages are integrally connected to the culture they
spring from.  But I'd like to do my part, even if it
is a small part, to help promote, preserve and teach
tlhIngan Hol.

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