tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Jul 15 11:15:24 2003

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"Damage control is easy. Reading Klingon? That's hard."

I agree with Mr. Scott at this juncture. Are there any pIqaD learning
tools available to the average tlhIngan student, or am I stuck with just
memorization? The reason I ask is that I've got a few ideas for neat lil'
personal projects (I'm a calligrapher, too), but unlike the tengwar, I
don't know the pIqaD backward and foreward yet. Is knowledge of the pIqaD
even necessary outside of art yet? Since not everyone uses the same font,
or everyone has access to such, it would seem that the romanize---I'm
off-topic. lol

Anyhow, bottom line: what's the easiest, quickest, or most thorough way
to learn pIqaD?

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