tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Jul 14 17:12:51 2003

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In Conclusion: "Is the language too bound...?"

My, my, my, my, my  :)  I am impressed!  The amount of posts with regard to this bit of discussion really proved worth wild!  And I am a lot more confident in the Warrior's Tongue's ability to survive on its own than I was when I first put up the original post...
:)  (<=  See!  I'm smiling!)  But I do want to respond and sort of conclude this discussion about expanding tlhIngan Hol, etc.  But I feel that I'm also on the defensive when trying to write this response.  Why is that?  Could it be that those "Language Nazis" referred to by an earlier post are taking the original discussion a bit too seriously as to offend and destroy the opinions of others.  I understand that what some say are not in the common belief patterns of this list, but I do think we have to calm ourselves down  lol
This list is to promote, train, encourage, and enhance the Honorable Language...not to put-down the opinions of others or even argue in such a nasty manner that one feels...well, defensive.  So, allow me to sum up and respond:
This discussion was nothing more than an attempt to see what exactly the speakers of Klingon felt about the problems that realistically face our beautiful not being taken seriously and the language's possible death.  The discussion was focused more on the individual doing more for this language...rather than sit around letting it die out.  Stuff like MORE at the qep'a', etc.  I even feel depressed when I mention such a thing...death?  This language?  Well, one thing's for sure, I've never known a Klingon who didn't die fighting...and I know this language will a give this world hell before ever laying down to die  }} ;-)  
I believe in this language more than most.  And I would even go so far as to say that I believe in it more than a lot of you combined.  For the past three years (heh, I'm a looser  :) I have spent every waking extra time I had to the study of Klingon.  And I am damn good at it...believe it or not!  Though I have some kinks and screws to fix here and there...I am proud of what I have accomplished.  And yet, I find myself being lectured about my participation with the language!  Those who know me can attest to the fact that my life is the Klingon Language.  Lawrence - you are my hero.  And believe me when I say it, if you or someone else did not start the KLI, I eventually would have.  I look up to you and admire your work for what I think of as the greatest gift to Earth.  And yet you, as did others, tell me and the few who agreed with some of my ideas that we needed to stop wining, "bIvIng 'e' yImev?" and actually do something!?!  Do you know anything about what I have done for
 Klingon?  I am 18; I do not have recourses that even a poor adult would have...but I have taken Colorado by storm with the Klingon language.  I have written entire articles in Klingon and placed it in the add section of the Denver Post...payed them so they'd put it in.  At local conventions, I use to teach a stupid Klingon Language Course until I was taken over by a rival Klingon House (they called their language course "Klingon 101")  For KAG (Klingon Assault Group), an international Klingon organization, I use to be there official Klingon linguist up until the moment I left.  I have been talking to d'Armond, who also lives in Colorado, about starting a new qepHom.  And presently, I have been getting a poem edited to send into for the next issue of jatmey.  A poem that took me six months to do because of my sheer passion into what I was saying.  I am Klingon!  I, like many of us, am the future for this language.  I have said time and time again that I want more than anything to
 join my Brethren at the qep'a', but I am 18...and not much I can do...Stop whining?  How's this:  most of you completely mistook what it was that some of us were trying to say.  No, we're not talking about some Joe-Shmoe making up new words as he damn well pleases.  No, we're not saying remove Okrand from head of the language...AT ALL...but instead, we were trying to entice the Warrior's cry in the heart's of those who would listen.  This language has a good chance at dying if we all-of-a-sudden stop being so dedicated.  What we were saying was not to the language as a whole, but to the individual.  Get up!  Help us out!  Don't just speak!  Write something and have it published!  One post told me to join in some of the projects...oh, if you only knew...We, - I - , were saying that no longer can this language be spoken when one of us geeks are watching TV, but instead, we ALL must attribute and make a difference for this language.  You know the "Brief Editorial" section of the last
 HolQeD?  Read it back over...That's what we were saying...not to the KLI or Okrand...but to you (the Individual).  So, in fact, we were trying to encourage more people to do more for the language to keep it alive.  But I was pleased to see that so many had felt so strongly about a possible change in the language's system.  That tells me we still have a future left...I'm just trying to make sure that the Klingon Language's future is never in question again...  :)  
'ej vaj jIghItlhqa':  jach SuvwI' 'e' yIQoy' 'ej narghbe'chugh SuvwI' qa' taH may'.

Klingon Warrior
taHjaj wo'!
Darren M. Slade

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