tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sat Jul 12 06:37:47 2003

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Re: "je" ('also') between verb and subject or after subject?

lay'tel SIvten:
> > *German* Hol vIjatlh jIH je.

> I think it should be
> {*German* Hol vIjatlh je jIH}

lay'tel SIvten:
>i found only two examples from tkd(5.3)/kgt(p182)/tkw(none) where "je" is
>used to mean 'also'.  in both of these examples there is no separate subject. 
>the sentences end with prefixed verbs. 
>tkd says in 5.3 that "je" goes after the verb, but does this mean immediately
>after the verb, or can it come after the subject too? 

In this case, I stick to TKD very strictly. I'm sure that it must follow the verb immediately, because 
when it follows more than one noun, it is "and". What if the subject is a sum of several things?
   "Duras and Worf saw you too."
   {nIlegh je DuraS wo'rIv je}

If {je} "also" comes after the subject, we'd have two {je}:
   {nIlegh DuraS wo'rIv je je}

In this case, or if the sentence is much longer, it's not so clear what the {je} belongs to. When it's 
next to the verb, you see immediately what is "also" happening.


Beginners' Grammarian.

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