tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Jul 10 08:28:19 2003

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Re: /rI'/ (was Re: Kash jIH.)

ghItlh ghunchu'wI':

>But the only "Klingon perspectives" we can be sure of are the 
>ones shown on screen, with additional support from specific 
>print and audio resources when it comes to vocabulary.  I can't 
>recall any military context where "storm" would be an 
>appropriate term for a maneuver, but I can certainly point to a
>perfect occasion where the weather term would apply.

Perhaps we are using "perspective" to mean different things. You state the only ones "we can be sure of are the ones shown on screen" and my (and Krankor's) argument still holds. The perspective we're shown is that Klingons are aggressive, warlike, obsessed with conflict (what's the line, something like "every Klingon is a warrior from the time he can hold a blade" or some such?). That's the perspective we're given. And this is why, in the presence of a Klingon term whose English gloss has two distinct meanings, my inclination is to go with the more warlike interpretation.

I grant you that there are indeed examples in film scripts where Okrand was on set that included weather. And we know that Okrand is very thorough and likes to be prepared for directorial whims (this in part led to the ongoing joke of "Marc... we need a word for <insert current topic of discussion>"). But that argument breaks down quickly when carried to the extreme (and you know I would).

Doubtless we will argue more about this in a few weeks at the qep'a' (where I'll have Krankor to back up his own original argument, and musical backing as well).


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