tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Jul 09 12:39:37 2003

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Re: jobs?

qaS ngal-qaS wrote:

>chay' *occupation* vIjatlh? As in "What do you do (for a living, at your
>job, etc.)?"

Okrand has never addressed this question, but useful words include:

{Qu'} "duty, quest, mission, task, chore" (n.)

{ghIgh} "assignment, task, duty" (n. slang)

   "As this word literally means 'necklace', perhaps the slang usage
    is based on the old practice of identifying one's position within
    a military unit--for example, one's assignment on a ship--by means
    of a symbol hung on a chain worn around the neck. On the other hand,
    it may be based on the idea that assignment to a specific task holds
    one in that position as if by means of a line around the neck. The
    usual nonslang word for 'assignment, mission' is {Qu'}." (KGT 150f.)

{yaH} "duty station, station" (n.)

{patlh} "rank, level" (n.)

{vum}  "work, toil" (v.)

Most of us on the List use {yaH} for "job/work (site)", i.e. the place 
where you work.  E.g.

   yaHlIjDaq Qu'meylIj tIngu'!
   What do you do at work?
   ("Identify your duties at your duty station!")

Other ways of asking this question might be:

   Qu'mey Data'bogh tIngu'!
   What do you do?
   ("Identify the duties that you accomplish!")

BTW, using {ngu'} "identify" like this is common in Klingon:

   nuH DaneHbogh yIngu'
   Which weapon do you want?
   ("Identify the weapon that you want!") KGT

   jar DamaSqu'bogh yIngu'
   What/which is your favorite month?
   ("Identify the month that you very much prefer!") (st.klingon)

   Daq DaDabbogh yIngu'
   Where do you live?
   ("Identify the place that you live at [inhabit]!") (st.klingon 7/99)

You could also substitute {Del} "describe":

   Qu'meylIj tIDel!
   What are your duties?  What's your job?
   ("Describe your duties!")

Ca'Non Master of the Klingons 

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