tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Jul 09 07:17:04 2003

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Re: Tao Te Ching Chp. 62

lab ghunchu'wI':

>ja' 'ISqu':
>>nuv QaQ potlh 'oH.
>>It is the treasure of those who are good.
>>vaj qo' potlh'a' 'oH mIw'a''e'.
>>That is why Tao is the greatest treasure the world.
>{potlh} for "treasure" seems a bit strained.  How about {tev} or {pop}?

The problem I have with {tev} or {pop} is that they both seem to imply 
something that can be won or earned, something that can be given to a person 
in recognition of some achievement. Now, Tao does not seem to be like a 
prize or a reward to be gained. The word "Tao" is merely a label given to 
the underlying pattern of the Universe and the Universe always is the way it 
is. Being able to perceive that pattern and to follow it is like finding a 
treasure because only by living in accordance with the way of nature can we 
succeed in our lives: personal, social, political etc.

The same Chinese word - bao3 "treasure" - appears in Chapter 67 in the line

   I have three treasures which I hold and keep safe.

There, too, I used {potlh} in translation. I probably overuse this noun but 
very often it seems to be exactly what I need.


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