tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Dec 29 19:15:46 2003

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Christian Einfeldt ([email protected])

I would like to start using the name Kolos as a Klingon name, and I'm 
wondering if there are any problems with that name choice.  Kolos, you 
might recall, is a Klingon criminal defense attorney who defends 
Jonathan Archer before a tribunal in which the prosecutor is seeking a 
death sentence for Archer in the show entitled "Judgment".  My 
question is whether it is considered cheesy or otherwise inappropriate 
to choose a name which was actually used in a show.  Kolos, of course, 
is a minor character, and so it would not be like choosing the name of 
a major character.

I admired Kolos because he chose the very difficult path of not 
buckling to the wishes of the tribunal in providing an actual 
innocence defense to the tribunal, rather than merely pleading for a 
lesser sentence for his client.  As a reward for his zealous advocacy 
(which is an ethical canon here on earth), Kolos is sentenced to share 
Archer's life-long imprisonment in a mine known for its harsh 
conditions, where prisoners rarely live longer than 3 or 4 years due 
to the cold, poor food, and inadequate shelter. 

While Terran attorneys don't usually have it that bad, it is true that 
attorneys often take a huge loss in advocating for their clients, 
either in the civil or criminal arenas, and I am hoping to use the 
name Kolos to bring that fact to the attention of list members. 

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