tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Dec 29 14:54:58 2003

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Re: Klingon WOTD: ghaw' (n)

Steven Boozer ([email protected]) [KLI Member]

>This is the Klingon Word Of The Day for Friday, December 26, 2003.
>Klingon word:   ghaw'
>Part of Speech: noun
>Definition:     [igvah] - liver soup
>Additional Notes:
>KGT p. 30.  Throughout the Empire, a soup whose main component is [igvah] 
>liver has a special name, {ghaw'}.

The full quote:

   Finally, there are some instances of a word existing in two regions
   with two utterly unrelated meanings, one of them quite derogatory.
   For example, throughout the Empire, a soup whose main component is
   *igvah* liver has a special name, {ghaw'}. This word is avoided in
   the Vospeg region, however, because there, the word {ghaw'} is a
   slang term meaning something like "one who is full of self-doubt or
   who is insecure" and is a word used only as an insult. To refer to
   the soup, one simply says {'IghvaH chej chatlh} (literally, "*igvah*
   liver soup"). In most of the Empire, to say to someone {ghaw' SoH}
   means only "You are *igvah* liver soup," an odd thing to say, but
   more incongruous than anything else. In the Vospeg region, on the
   other hand, to call someone a {ghaw'} is often the prelude to a
   fight to the death.  [KGT 30-31]

Ca'Non Master of the Klingons 

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