tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Dec 23 22:30:41 2003

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Please start translation project for Klingon

Mark E. Shoulson ([email protected]) [KLI Member] [Hol po'wI']

On 12/21/03 22:36, Christian Einfeldt wrote:

>On Saturday 20 December 2003 21:31, David A. Wheeler wrote:
>>I'd love to see someone start a GNOME (and KDE) translation project
>>for Klingon.
>I'm a new member of the KLI, and an older member of the 
>(OOo) project.  As I have mentioned a couple of times in the past on 
>this list, there is interest in localizing Klingon for OOo.  Please 
>contact me of the list if you are interested in participating.  Due to 
>Paramount's interest in its intellectual property, and due to the fact 
>that the KLI already has a good legal relationship with Paramount, I 
>personally would like to see interested persons become paid members of 
>the KLI, if they're not already.  Doing so will have the mutually 
>beneficial effects of strengthening the KLI, and it will also make 
>sure that the localization proceeds in a legal fashion from the point 
>of view of Paramount.
Just poking my head into the list for a moment to encourage people to 
join in and support the project.  I'm in on it (always 
have my fingers in all the pies), as are some others here.  We need some 
good steady talent... generally more hands on deck.  The more Klingon 
proficiency you have, the better, but even if you're not an expert, 
there's still probably SOMETHING you can do.

OOo is a really nice hunk of software (I use it on occasions when I need 
a good word-processor or spreadsheet, etc... I try to avoid supporting 
the Redmond Empire...) and this could be another boost to Klingon's 


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