tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Dec 15 16:35:43 2003

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Re: peqIm: Unsubscribe requests

Lieven L. Litaer (Quvar) ([email protected]) [KLI Member] [Hol ghojwI']

Am 15.12.2003 19:22:47, schrieb "d'Armond Speers, Ph.D." <[email protected]>:

>(Also, to all those people who respond to these unsub requests to the list,
>your posts are also off-topic.  I do try to respond to all such requests off
>the list individually, there is no need to also respond to the list, unless,
>of course, you are writing in Klingon.)

bIlughqu'. ngoDvam vIja'pu' vIneH jIH, 'ach nom bIvang SoH.
'a latlh ngoD vIDel je vIneHbej. Hoch QInDaq mevmeH Qu' Dellu'.
Do'Ha' De'vetlh 'angbe' QIn *mIw*mey law'. potlh wa' mu'tlhegh neH:

You're right. I was going to mention that also, but you were faster.
But I also wanted to point at something else. Every email contains information on how to subscribe 
(at least the ones that I get). Unfortunately, many mail-programs don't show that information.
There's one important line:

list-unsubscribe:<mailto:[email protected]>

(sorry for that worm, but that's Klingon! ;-)

Quvar 'utlh.

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