tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Dec 09 08:08:50 2003

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Will there ever be a sequel to "The Grammarian's Desk"?

DOOM_er ([email protected])

Hello all,

I recently acquired "The Grammarian's Desk", and I found it to be a very 
interesting book highlighting some of the finer points of tlhIngan Hol. 
There's much more to the language than meets the eye in TKD! :)
However, it only contains Captain Krankor's columns from the first 4 years 
of HolQeD, so there's already many years of new 'wisdoms and opinions' 
written since then. Personally I think it'd be great if a new collection of 
columns was released, preferably containing all of them from HolQeD year 5 
untill the present, but I'm sure making such a book isn't as easy as it 
sounds to me.
Does anybody here know whether there's a possibility of such a book being 
released? Of course, I could just back-order all HolQeDmey I don't have 
yet, but it'd be cheaper, and more importantly, easier to carry around and 
just plain cooler, if they were bundled in one book. Can anyone give me a 
definite answer either way?

Greetings from the Netherlands. :)

DOOM_er (ghobe', wej tlhIngan pong vIwIv ;)

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