tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Dec 02 13:19:13 2003

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Tao Te Ching Chp. 15

Agnieszka Solska ([email protected]) [KLI Member] [Hol po'wI']

   Tao Te Ching Chp. 15


val 'ej bejchu' mIw'a' lupabbogh tIQwI'pu''e'.
peghqu' Sovchaj; yajlu'meH DuHbe'.
chaH luDellu'meH mu' qar tu'lu'be.'

Hoj, bIQtIq taDDaq yaHbogh nuv'e' luDa.
Dugh, jaghmey Hajbogh nuv'e' luDa.
DochHa', meb lurur.
HeDrup, tetchoHbogh chuch lurur.
nap, Sor Hap pe'be'lu'pu'bogh lurur.
poSqu', ngech lurur.
HuvHa', bIQ watlhHa' lurur.

bIQ watlhHa' jotmoHmo' nItmoHlaH 'Iv?
vIHbe'wI' vangmoHmo' yInmoHlaH 'Iv?

mIw'a' pabchugh vay' buy'choH luneHbe'.
vaj QopchoHlaH 'ach chu'nISqa'be'.


The ancient followers of Tao were shrewd and discerning.
Their knowledge was arcane, beyond comprehension.
There are no words that describe them well.

Cautious, as if fording a frozen river.
Watchful, as if dreading foes on all sides.
Courteous, like a guest.
Yielding, like ice on the thaw.
Simple, like uncut wood.
Wide open, like a valley.
Obscure, like murky water.

Who can keep murky water still and cause it to clear?
Who can make what's inert active and bring it to life?

Those who follow Tao have no wish to become full.
Thus they can wear out with no need to be renewed.


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