tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Aug 26 15:53:15 2003

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Re: Fear me!

Lieven (Quvar valer) ([email protected]) [KLI Member] [Hol ghojwI']

ghItlh SuStel:

>I behave (as something in general).
>It's icky in English, but it might work in Klingon.  (Or it might not.  I
>just don't think it's NECESSARILY true that /Da/ needs an object.)

I'm not sure if I should agree or not. First I said yes, and wrote the following dialogue:

- Huch DabajmeH chay' bIruch?
- jIDa.
- vaj DawI' SoH'a'?
- HISlaH! bIlugh. ghotpu' law' vIDa.
- Dapar'a'?
- ghobe'. jIDa 'e' vItIv.

I read it over and over again, and started to think. Now I think that one can NOT just {Da}, cause its 
meaning is "to behave as", which means "to be like" and not "act", which implies faking, while {Da} is 
more like a real fact.
Look at the following example:
  {nepwI' Daba'}
  He is obviously lying.

literally "he obviously behaves as and acts in the manner of a liar"
But the translation tells me that he IS a liar, and not just "acts" as one, as in a movie.

You certainly can't command {Da!} to your pet.


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