tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Aug 17 19:11:37 2003

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Re: no matter what happens...

Lieven (Quvar valer) ([email protected]) [KLI Member] [Hol ghojwI']

Am 17.08.2003 05:37:50, schrieb "Se'noj le'umaS" <[email protected]>:

>A Ferengi would use any excuse they could to get out of fighting a Klingon.
>'ach 'oH SIStaH!
>'ach 'oH SISHa'taH!
>'ach 'oH bIrtaH!
>'ach 'oH tujtaH!

The pronoun {'oH} is wrong there, you don't need it. The use of v#7 {-taH} is not wrong, but it seems 
redundant, unless it's really a continuously ongoing condition.
Hm. that makes me think of the following: since we know that it will stop raining - even if we don't 
know when - some day, shouldn't we use v#7 {-lI'}??
Only on rura' pente'Daq peDtaH muD!

>'ach jIghung!
>'ach jIDoy'!
>'ach *'oy'* *'oy'* *'oy'*

>beptaHbe' verengan.
>HaghtaH tlhIngan!
I still think you use {-taH} to often. Maybe you're to close to the english "not complain-ing" and 
"laugh-ing" forms?
{HaghtaH} reminds me of a lut tlhaQ -session where they've been laughing all day.

wa' ben qachDaq maghomta' HoDwI' jIH je
tlhInganpu' law' tu'lu'lu'
lutmey tlhaQ ja' chaH 'ej HaghtaH
'el wa' tera'ngan
nutlhob naDev puchpa'Daq jIjaHlaH'a'
jang wa' tlhIngan lIchopbe'chugh ghewmey
yajbe' tera'ngan 'ej maHaghtaH Hoch tlhInganpu'


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