tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Aug 15 05:34:34 2003

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Re: no matter what happens...

Lieven (Quvar valer) ([email protected]) [KLI Member] [Hol ghojwI']

From: Lieven (Quvar valer) <[email protected]>
>>The main them of the song is "no matter what happens, trust your 
>>Is there a way to say such a thing in Klingon? How would you do it?

>ram wanI'; DujlIj yIvoq!
>ram ghu'; DujlIj yIvoq!

Now I've received some suggestions, but most are a bit off-topic. I was focussing more on the idea of 
"no matter what..."-expression.
Sure, I want no literal translation, but I'm curious how this could be said in Klingon.
Imagine the following situation:

Klingon tells a ferengi to fight. The ferengie says "but it's raining...". Then the klingon would say, in 
english, "no matter if it's raining, snowing, or storming - you gotta fight!!"

tlh: DaH yISuv!
v: 'a SIStaH, HoD.
tlh: jISaHbe'. chaq SIS, chaq peD, chaq jevchu' -- bISuvbe'chugh vaj qaHoH.

But I'm not sure if I like this solution, there might be better ones.


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