tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Aug 06 11:37:15 2003

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Re: tlhIngan Hol in ST

>>>%Does someone have a list of which episodes/movies contain

Tom West:
>>%Star Trek III The Search for Spock
>>%Star Trek VI The Undiscovered Country
>>%  "Sins of the Father"
>>%  "Redemption I & II"
>>%ST DS9
>>%  "Way of the Warrior"

>I thought StarTrek V was also pretty much tlhIngan Hol. I dunno, 
>Klingon-oral-&-writing-skills-wise, I'm only on a newby-level, but it 
>sounded pretty okay to me, at least compared to the average episode in the 

You're right.  Okrand coached the actors in ST5.  Add to the list:

the Hallmark Bird-of-Prey ornament commercial (Winter [Christmas] 1994? [UPN])

the Warrior's Anthem, which first appeared in the Klingon CD-ROM and was 
later sung twice (with subtitles) in the DS9 episode "Soldiers of the 
Empire."  (Although Okrand translated the song, it appears that he didn't 
coach the DS9 actors, who relied on someone's phonetic transcription.)

and finally, although not Trek, the FRASIER "Star Mitzvah" episode 
(11/05/2002 [NBC]).  (Okrand translated the "blessing" but didn't actually 
coach actor Kelsey Grammer, who read a phonetic transcription.)

Ca'Non Master of the Klingons 

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