tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Mar 09 21:40:49 2001

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RE: QaH vIneH (KBLC)

> -----Original Message-----
> From: William Bowlsby [mailto:[email protected]]
> Sent: Friday, March 09, 2001 6:51 PM
> To: [email protected]
> Subject: QaH vIneH (KBLC)
> I am new to this list and am just starting to get it sorted out. But I am
> also considered the best and the language than any other in the groups
> I am involved in.  So I am often called upon to translate any and all
> phrases etc. that happen to come up.  I am not to displeased with what I
> have done, but now I have this resorse to fall back upon and am
> about to use it.
> A friend of mine put the task to me to translate the phrase  "Shut-up
> terran, or I kick you to next dimension!"  The fist part of this phrase is
> of course fairly simple.  But I am having some problems with the second
> part.  I know that the second half of this is badly worded but
> that is the way that she wants it done.

Fine. So ask her to define "dimension" in terms that do not use the word
"dimension", because that word doesn't exist in Klingon and it is entirely
too vague in English to be understood, were anybody to actually stop and
think about it. I personally have no clue what "next dimension" means. It is
one of those socially agreed upon, abstract, fictional terms (the way it is
used here), that leaves us saying, "Well, YOU know what I mean."

Well, I don't. Explain it to me. We have height, width and length. That's
three dimensions, though I don't think of them as particularly sequential,
so one is not after the other, so there is no "next" among those three. Some
people consider time to be a dimension, though that seems a tad strange to
me. You can't kick someone into time. You might kick them into the next
second, though in all likelihood, they would have gotten there without your
assistance. It's pretty unavoidable, really. You just stand there and the
next second comes to you.

So, what's after that? And if there is something after that, what makes it
"after" that such that it becomes "next"?

Why not just keep it simple and say:

bItambe'chugh vaj bIHegh.

If she doesn't like that, then, well, tell her:

bItambe'chugh vaj bIHegh.

Not as a translation. As a directive.

> I am looking on my own, but I could use all the help that I can get of
> course.
> Qapla'
> qoraQ Doqetlh puqloD

charghwI' 'utlh

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