tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Oct 30 20:01:42 1998

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Re: KLBC: -ghach

From: Steven Boozer <[email protected]>

>Kryntes wrote:
>: Can -ghach be used with all verbs

>So the short version is:  Only attach /-ghach/ to a verbal suffix - any
>suffix - never to the bare verb.  AFAIK, you can do this to all verbs.  But
>(you knew there had to be a "but"), based on the corpus it appears that
>abstract derived /-ghach/ nouns are VERY rare in Klingon and are used far
>than in a noun-centered language like English.  Use them sparingly, if at

One way to limit yourself, and to keep with apparent Klingon usage, is to
only use {-ghach} on verbs which have a noun counterpart.  All of the
examples of {-ghach} that Okrand has used, except one ({tlhutlhtaHghach}),
have a noun counterpart.

Since there are a limited number of noun/verb pairs, you won't be tempted to
overuse {-ghach}.  Furthermore, you will be doing what {-ghach} seems
designed for.  Consider: {quv} is a noun meaning "honor."  There is no way
to make a noun which means "dishonor," until you consider {-ghach}.  To make
this noun, you take the verb version of the word, {quv} "be honored," add
the appropriate verb suffix which carries the meaning you're looking for
({quvHa'} "be dishonored"), and then "nounify" it again by adding a suffix,
{-ghach}.  {quvHa'ghach} "dishonor."

Note that unless {tlhutlhtaHghach} is an exceptional word, this is not a
rule.  Still, since every single other example of a {-ghach}'d verb follows
this pattern, and we have quite a number of {-ghach} words in observable
usage, it's probably a good bet that the noun/verb pairs are favored by
Klingons for {-ghach} usage.

Here's an interesting one:


Stardate 98830.9

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