tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Oct 25 19:15:18 1998

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Re: KLBC Tribbleball

According to Alan Anderson:
> Seeing a compound without first having its meaning declared for me is more
> likely to imply to me that it's somehow both of the things at the same
> time.  {yIHghanjaq} sounds a little to me like it's a mace made from a
> tribble, not
> a club used to hit them.

Well, I would not make any assumptions about the meaning. I can
definitely see it interpreted this way, OR as it was intended
OR a couple other ways. The main thing about a compound noun is
that it is a new word, somehow different or more common than
the two nouns simply next to each other.

You can casually build a noun-noun construction for the
convenience of a new expression. Meanwhile, a compound noun is
a new word. You must intend to use it as a compound noun;
something worthy of being added to the vocabulary.

As I see it, it is a rare condition that I would make up my own
compound nouns. I make up noun-noun constructions all the time,
however. As I read TKD, that's the impression of what is

> -- ghunchu'wI'

charghwI' 'utlh

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