tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sat Oct 24 16:59:35 1998

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Re: noun suffixes on adj?

ja'pu' Voragh:
>I think this was one of those counter-intuitive little rules Okrand purposely
>built into the language to make it seem more "natural" -- like the annoying
>rule about not using Type 7 aspect suffixes on the second verb in a complex
>sentence with {'e'} and {net}.

ja' charghwI':
>I can't believe that THAT annoying rule didn't come from some
>backfit for a weird line in ST3, though I'm not positive which
>one. It might be something valQIS said or something that got
>changed after the subtitle was set.

This was likely one of the times when the *subtitle* was changed.
I'm sure it came from {qama'pu' jonta' neH} "I wanted prisoners!"
How else was he going to explain why {-ta'} goes on the first and
not the second verb?  It's also a good candidate for the lack of
{'e'} in a sentence-as-object where {neH} is the second verb.

va, tlhIngan Hol neH vIjatlhpu' vIneH.  chaq' wa'leS vIta'choHlaH.

-- ghunchu'wI'

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